50% rabatt i 24timmar- på mina favorit skinntofflor
We start our popular quantity discount sale on 20/12, but before that we would like to leave you as a news reader gain an edge. You will now have the chance now to save 50% on all items the next 24 hours.
Shopping Spree in the entire shop - we gives' 50% discount on all items except those that Småfolk, Deryan and Play Tray.
Enter the code "førudsalg50" in the message field and confirm the full amount, we reduce by 50% before we raise on cards (watch out for with Visa Electron as the entire amount as may be reserved for 30 days)
Your order must be min. 1000 kr, so that you can take advantage of the offer (usually 6000, - the quantity discount winter sales).
The offer also applies to already discounted goods. There can not be chosen free gift combined with the offer.
Do you buy Christmas gifts are of course still return and exchange right up till 31 / 1
See you in 24 wild shopping hours!
Starting 8 / 12 at 24.00 End 9 / 12 at 24.00